My 2021 Budget!!!

My 2021 Budget!!!

My 2021 Budget! Not about money though. I feel budget could be anything depending on the context. I think I'm right, I mean I hope so. With that being said, My 2021 Budget.

My 2020?

I'll be honest(it is pretty obvious though), 2020 was really tough. Besides the covid surprise, I still tried to keep things going at my own pace but oh well, that didn't exactly turn out well but... but... I tried. I started the year with just html, css and little bit of php and here's how it turned out,

  1. I became proficient with Laravel.
  2. Built and worked with a couple api's.
  3. Used a few Google services(location api's, analytics etc).
  4. Built an e-commerce store(not yet fully in production).
  5. Server setup from scratch on Digital Ocean using nginx.
  6. Worked with a couple front end frameworks mainly vuejs and nuxtjs . They are definitely amazing.
  7. Got 3 job rejections. Sad but I think I'm amazing.
  8. Battled with Wordpress at some point.
  9. Built a Laravel package for generating and managing discount coupons.
  10. I made constant efforts to organise my projects workflow using Trello.
  11. Worked on a few projects using Django.

There's probably a few that I've missed out but I think I did amazing still. The sad part still is that the outcome didn't exactly match the effort but we move!

My 2021?

Well, I personally feel my coding journey so far has been a little distorted. So for this year, I'll like to be a little more purposely. I'll like to focus a lot more on open source, it looks amazing and I'll also like to learn a couple new languages and frameworks(nodejs, python, tailwindcss etc). I'm also open and looking forward to joining a team and building amazing projects together. It'll definitely be amazing if I get to speak at a tech event and also attend one. Lastly, this is my year of technical writing, hopefully.

I've tried to keep this as simple as possible and also realistic. I hope this year turns out amazing.

Looking forward to my next post!